
© Yuka Sugiura


On Tanaka Wiki you can find most common protocols used in the lab as well as a list of lab duties along with the names of the responsible persons.

Axolotl gene and transgenic nomenclature guidelines

These guidelines are based on Nowoshilow et al., Developmental Dynamics, 2021.


The website contains the Axolotl transcriptome assemblies.

The website contains the Axolotl genome assemblies.

The website contains the Newt transcriptome assembly.

The website contains the red spotted newt transcriptome assembly.

The database contains several ESTs and also some additional information, e.g. the position of the well with the corresponding insert in the Blastema (BL) or Neural tube (NT) library.

The database contains expression profiling data of Axolotl limb regeneration.

The database contains several different BLAST-able Axolotl transciptome assemblies.
